Friday 24 May 2013

Back now

Sorry I haven't been able to post much, but I'm going to my favourite place on earth in less than an hour.
I've only been for a holiday there once before, but I love it. It brings the family closer together, as a caravan (even a massive stationary one) is smaller than my house. I often go off to play on a tidal peninsula halfway between Aberdyfi and Tywyn. It's special to me because it was the first place I was let off the lead, in Summer 2012. If you want a picture, go to

Sunday 20 January 2013


Today, I was let off the lead in the snow. I had a muzzle on, for I'm unpredictable with other dogs, but Pepper and I galloped around, kicking snow at each other and getting snow balls stuck in our fur. I don't really like my muzzle much, but it's much better if it's on.
Happy Howls,
Bonnie x

Thursday 17 January 2013


It's my first snow, sooooo excited! Going out with Pepper, my bestie. Such Fun!